The utmost purpose of TaeKwon Do is to eliminate fighting by discouraging the stronger’s oppression of the weaker with a power that must be based on humanity, justice, morality, wisdom and faith, thus helping to build a better and more peaceful world.
Taekwon Do is an Art that implies a way of thinking and life and particularly in instilling moral civilization and generating the power for justice. Taekwon Do is also known as one of the best means of developing and enhancing the emotional, perceptual, and psychological characteristics that enable the younger generation regardless of age, social status or sex to effectively learn and participate in the social and play demands of his peers.
Every moment of Taekwon Do is scientifically designed with specific purpose and a skillful instructor may therefore, develop in the student a belief that success is possible for anyone. Constant repetition teaches patience and the resolve to overcome any difficulty. The tremendous power generated from one’s body develops the self-confidence to meet any opponent, at any place, and in any situation. Sparring teaches humility, courage, alertness and accuracy, adaptability as well as self-control. Pattern teaches flexibility, grace, balance, and coordination, while the fundamental exercises develop preciseness and teaches the method, principle and purpose. Eventually, this training permeates every conscious and subconscious action of the student.
Perhaps, in some way, Taekwon Do and the guiding hand of a qualified instructor may serve as an aid to the misguided, insecure, and physically weak because the student who comes to love the Art quickly realizes that to excel, the body must be kept at its optimum peak of conditioning and he will, consequently, hesitate to jeopardize his training in any way. Thus, Taekwon Do offers a strict self-imposed discipline along with the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.
The training one receives in Taekwon Do has numerous other advantages. Taekwon Do can be quite beneficial for preparing youth not only for taking his place in society, but also for his academic life. The art teaches, among other things, tenacity and concentration; and it is also conducive for relieving the tensions and pressures effectuated by the rigors of long, tedious hour of study. A session of training can refresh the student and help calm and clear the mind, permitting the student to once again focus his energies completely on his studies.